Golf Events
Divots & Drinks
Divots & Drinks Wednesday | March 12 | 5pm Complimentary!
Golf Events
WGA Kick Off
WGA Kick Off Friday | March 14 | 4pm 9 Holes followed by Happy Hour in Carpenter's Grill
Golf Events
St. Patrick's Day Shamble
St. Patrick Day Shamble Saturday | March 14 | 9am Shotgun $40 per person | Includes F&B and Credit Book Payouts 4-Person Shamble Link : St. Patrick's Day Shamble Event :: Registration
Golf Events
St. Patrick's Day Mixer
St. Patrick's Day Mixer Sunday | March 16 $20 per person | Includes Green beer 9-Hole 2 person scramble Link: St. Patty's Mixer Event :: Registration
Golf Events
Route 66
Route 66 Every Wednesday | 6pm $20pp | Open to All Members Route 66 is back! Enjoy 6 holes of cross-country golf in the team scramble format, with the beverage cart following the groups around during play. However, this year, we will be meeting afterwards down by the halfway smoke shack at the turn for light bites and keg beer! The cost will be $20/person and we will be starting at our normal 6:00 p.m. time every Wednesday. If you haven't played Route 66 in previous years, we highly recommend you come check out this fun, laid back, social-centric event. Call the Golf Pro Shop at 972.717.0086 to register!
Golf Events
The Round - Up
The Round -Up Men's Member Guest Thursday | March 20 | 1:30pm $275 per team | Includes lunch, keg beer & tournament gift Member + 2 Guests Link: The Round-Up Event :: Registration
Golf Events
March Mania
March Mania Saturday | March 29 | 9am Tee Times $25 per person 2 Man Scramble Entry Fee goes towards payouts Registration limited to 48 people Sign up here : March Mania Event :: Registration
Golf Events
Divots & Drinks
Divots & Drinks Wednesday | March 12 | 5pm Complimentary!
Golf Events
WGA Kick Off
WGA Kick Off Friday | March 14 | 4pm 9 Holes followed by Happy Hour in Carpenter's Grill
Golf Events
St. Patrick's Day Shamble
St. Patrick Day Shamble Saturday | March 14 | 9am Shotgun $40 per person | Includes F&B and Credit Book Payouts 4-Person Shamble Link : St. Patrick's Day Shamble Event :: Registration
Golf Events
St. Patrick's Day Mixer
St. Patrick's Day Mixer Sunday | March 16 $20 per person | Includes Green beer 9-Hole 2 person scramble Link: St. Patty's Mixer Event :: Registration
Golf Events
Route 66
Route 66 Every Wednesday | 6pm $20pp | Open to All Members Route 66 is back! Enjoy 6 holes of cross-country golf in the team scramble format, with the beverage cart following the groups around during play. However, this year, we will be meeting afterwards down by the halfway smoke shack at the turn for light bites and keg beer! The cost will be $20/person and we will be starting at our normal 6:00 p.m. time every Wednesday. If you haven't played Route 66 in previous years, we highly recommend you come check out this fun, laid back, social-centric event. Call the Golf Pro Shop at 972.717.0086 to register!
Golf Events
The Round - Up
The Round -Up Men's Member Guest Thursday | March 20 | 1:30pm $275 per team | Includes lunch, keg beer & tournament gift Member + 2 Guests Link: The Round-Up Event :: Registration
Golf Events
March Mania
March Mania Saturday | March 29 | 9am Tee Times $25 per person 2 Man Scramble Entry Fee goes towards payouts Registration limited to 48 people Sign up here : March Mania Event :: Registration