Contact Santa Rosa Golf & Country Club


Golf Events

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with TBD Thursday, June 5th, at Santa Rosa GCC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

MGA - Member/Guest

2025 Men's Golf Association Saturday, June 7th, 9:15am SHOTGUN START Member/Guest - 18 Holes Four-Ball NEW for 2025: Each golfer will the select the tee color of their choice from which play from. Entry Fee $100 team, includes beverage ticket and chefs choice appetizers after game during awards presentation.


Golf Events

The US Open - Nick's Revenge

The US Open - Nick's Revenge Thursday, June 12th Each golfer at SRGCC will pick a golfer randomly from US Open field. The NET score from SRGCC golfer will be added to US Open golfer round 1 score. Entry Fee $5 33% of total SRGCC golfers will win a prize

Golf Events

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Richmond CC Thursday, June 12th, at Richmond CC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

MGA - President's Cup

2025 Men's Golf Association Saturday, April 5th, 9:15am SHOTGUN START President's Cup - 18 Holes Individual Stroke Play. NEW for 2025: Each golfer will the select the tee color of their choice from which play from. Entry Fee $40, includes beverage ticket and chefs choice appetizers after game during awards presentation.


Golf Events

MGA - The Cup Draft Dinner

2025 Men's Golf Association THE CUP Wednesday, June 18th, 6:00pm DRAFT DINNER Tournament Schedule Day 1 : Friday, July 18, 3:15pm Shotgun Start, ALERNATE SHOT MATCHES Day 2 : Saturday, July 19, 9:15am Shotgun Start, FOUR BALL MATCHES Day 3 : Sunday, July 20, 9:15am Shotgun Start, SINGLE MATCHES NEW for 2025: More Tee Selections than previous years! Entry Fee TBD


Golf Events

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Richmond CC, Contra Costa CC, Bayonet/Blackhorse GC Thursday, June 19th, at Santa Rosa GCC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Silverado Resort Tuesday, June 24th, at Silverado Resort 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

Jun 05
7:15 a.m.

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with TBD Thursday, June 5th, at Santa Rosa GCC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

Jun 07
9:15 a.m.

MGA - Member/Guest

2025 Men's Golf Association Saturday, June 7th, 9:15am SHOTGUN START Member/Guest - 18 Holes Four-Ball NEW for 2025: Each golfer will the select the tee color of their choice from which play from. Entry Fee $100 team, includes beverage ticket and chefs choice appetizers after game during awards presentation.


Golf Events

Jun 12
All Day

The US Open - Nick's Revenge

The US Open - Nick's Revenge Thursday, June 12th Each golfer at SRGCC will pick a golfer randomly from US Open field. The NET score from SRGCC golfer will be added to US Open golfer round 1 score. Entry Fee $5 33% of total SRGCC golfers will win a prize

Golf Events

Jun 12
7:15 a.m.

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Richmond CC Thursday, June 12th, at Richmond CC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

Jun 14
9:15 a.m.

MGA - President's Cup

2025 Men's Golf Association Saturday, April 5th, 9:15am SHOTGUN START President's Cup - 18 Holes Individual Stroke Play. NEW for 2025: Each golfer will the select the tee color of their choice from which play from. Entry Fee $40, includes beverage ticket and chefs choice appetizers after game during awards presentation.


Golf Events

Jun 18
6:00 p.m.

MGA - The Cup Draft Dinner

2025 Men's Golf Association THE CUP Wednesday, June 18th, 6:00pm DRAFT DINNER Tournament Schedule Day 1 : Friday, July 18, 3:15pm Shotgun Start, ALERNATE SHOT MATCHES Day 2 : Saturday, July 19, 9:15am Shotgun Start, FOUR BALL MATCHES Day 3 : Sunday, July 20, 9:15am Shotgun Start, SINGLE MATCHES NEW for 2025: More Tee Selections than previous years! Entry Fee TBD


Golf Events

Jun 19
7:15 a.m.

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Richmond CC, Contra Costa CC, Bayonet/Blackhorse GC Thursday, June 19th, at Santa Rosa GCC 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD


Golf Events

Jun 24
7:15 a.m.

Senior Men's Golf Association

Senior Men's Golf Association - with Silverado Resort Tuesday, June 24th, at Silverado Resort 7:15am check-in, skins buy-in, hot breakfast 8:30am Shotgun Start -TWO Net Best Balls of FOUR 1:00pm hot lunch, awards presentation Entry fee TBD
